It’s been such an exciting journey to witness Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fond du Lac County excitement and gratitude towards Exchange Club of Fond du Lac purchasing a brand new van for their organization! The organization posted a fantastic response “For many years, it’s been a dream of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fond du Lac County staff to have an agency van to transport Littles to & from program activities. A safe, reliable vehicle that can comfortably fit twelve youth. Thanks to the amazing Exchange Club of Fond du Lac, that long-held dream is now a reality! We feel so incredibly blessed by the Exchange Club’s generous donation that has allowed our agency to purchase this beautiful new van. Also, a special shout-out to the folks at Holiday Automotive for helping us find the perfect vehicle and for getting it decked out with the Big Brothers Big Sisters logo, contact info and brand colors! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!”
The Exchange club is always looking for new members to join our group. Commitment level is different for every member and is left to be your decision. Reach out to us though our homepage on Fondy Famous or contact us link on Facebook.